Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Modern Family Tree

Let's take a break from eating, and talk genealogy for a minute.

Researching genealogy is not a hip thing to do. It can be a lot of fun, though! Finding that missing link you've been looking for is such a rewarding feeling. A feeling that's not so rewarding? Realizing that all that hard work I've done is going to sit in some book where no one will see it. I have always wished there were a way to use my genealogy research to create a cool piece of art. Genealogy art has been around for years, and it looks it. Many times it looks very dated and is the exact opposite of anything I would want to hang in my living room. That is why I love, love, love these options from My Tree and Me below. They offer a modern and beautiful way to display your family tree in your home.

P.S. I think that this tree would go beautifully in a nursery. Just sayin'.


  1. Why not make a really beautiful one and send it to the new prince? He will need a nice clear chart of his many European relatives. :)

    1. Don't you think he'll already have one, Anne? Probably written in gold!
